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World health day 7th April 2020

This year’s theme is ‘Support nurses and midwives’.

Now in this year, when the whole world is facing a health crisis and we are all fighting the coronavirus pandemic; healthcare professionals are the front-line soldiers and the World Health Day 2020 carries more importance than ever. This year 2020 has also been designated by the World Health Assembly as the International Year of the Nurses and the Midwifes. Nurses and other health workers are at the front-lines of COVID-19 response, putting their own health at risk to protect the broader community. Comprising more than two-thirds of the health workforce in the WHO Western Pacific Region, nurses are critical in responding to health needs in all settings and across the lifespan. In the 2020 International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, the World Health Day is an opportunity to highlight the work of nursing and midwifery around the world, while celebrating this workforce as one of the most valuable resources of every country.

We should all acknowledge the efforts of doctors, nurses, midwives and all medical staff in the year of pandemic. The World Health Day is observed to celebrate the efforts by nurses and midwives, and acknowledge role they play in keeping the world healthy.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared 7th April every year as a World Health Day. The contribution of doctors, nurses and other health workers are honored on this day. We honor the efforts of nurses and midwives, recognizing their role in keeping the world healthy.

Here’s you need to know that how to Live a Healthy Life

Living a healthy life is not so difficult actually it’s just follow simple lifestyle which means making measurable lifestyle choices that maintain our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. It is a resource for living a full life. Sometimes, managing health can be challenging; when it comes to struggling in order to maintain a good balance between our daily routines and priorities. It’s important to pay attention to our health: mental, emotional, and spiritual sides all play a vital role in welfare. A state of finest well-being not only means the absence of diseases; it also means having the resources to hack it with problems and to recover from difficult health situations. Actively focusing on healthy behavior can help prevent or at least delay chronic illness.

Care for yourself first

It’s is not about being selfish. Everyone must care for themselves; maintain their bodies, minds and souls for optimal well-being. However, approach to healthy lifestyle or caring for ourselves will vary person to person. One’s choice of self-care may not work for others. For example, some guys require less sleep, while others sleep more whereas, some people practice yoga or meditation, while others workout at the gym. Each person should make a plan that fits in their lifestyle and will be beneficial in the long run.

To achieve a healthy lifestyle you need to follow these steps:

  • Eating a healthy nutritional diet.
  • Get sound sleep, min 8 hrs required.
  • Engage yourself in physical activity, exercise, yoga or workout.
  • Do Annual Medical checkup.
  • Meditation or deep breathing helps in relaxation to reduce stress.
  • Avoiding excessive use of tech devices.

What is Health?

This word “health” refers to a state of absolute mental and physical well-being. Good health is necessary to handling stress and living a long and active life. It is referred for not only absence of disease but our ability to recover from illness or any problem. A healthful lifestyle provides the means to live a full active and satisfactory life.

Physical health

A person, who takes care of physical health, will have perfect physical/body performance; also indulge in regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest which results in lack of disease. Maintaining physical fitness can protect our body system and develop a person’s breathing and heart function, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition. Physical health and well-being also help reduce the risk of health issue, practicing good hygiene, or avoiding the use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs will have added advantage.

Mental health

Mental health refers to feelings of a person’s emotional, social, and psychological well-being. Mental health is as important as physical health to stay active and positive. It is basically refers to the absence of mental disorder, anxiety or depression. It also depends on the ability to enjoy life, achieve balance in lifestyle, to feel safe and secure, and the best part is to bounce back after any difficult experiences.

Maintain balance

Now you can see maintaining both physical and mental health of us is necessary. Illness affects a person’s ability to complete their tasks; this may lead to depression and stress. A mental illness such as depression can affect body weight and its function.

Socioeconomic Status can affect health

As per current scenario, the higher a person’s socioeconomic status, they can enjoy good health, a good education, a well-paid job, afford good healthcare when needed. People with a lower socioeconomic status will be more stressed due to daily living, such as financial problems, marital issues, and unemployment. So, all these add to the risk of poor health. They will have less access to healthcare. How a person manages stress will affect health. Those who smoke, drink, or take drugs to forget their problems will have more health problems later than someone who does a healthful diet and exercise.