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Beauty, Fragrance, Emotions are from us.
This day needs a Renaissance, My soul is same as of yours!

Yes, I am a woman; crave for love respect and care.

Wait for this day to upgrade our existence, raising your placards on all channels.


I want to know, why you have kept a day for me, while I am longing for pride for the lifetime, not a day long fiesta to honor me.

We are celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8.

When we become talk of the town, or it is like one Day match commotion for a day, a buzz for a week or It is like a chemical reaction bubbling forth around for a day.

I want to share, my dreams are as high as of yours and but why my aspiration is never esteemed.

I am there with your every decision and I supported you, why I always seek your permission for everything or anything I do.

Whenever I need to go to my parents, I wait always for your approval. Every festival is to please one family only not for that family who raised me to take care of you. The more I make you happy, I become better wife. The more my sacrifice weigh I become ideal daughter in law. Why my wishes are not as important as of others.

I want to ask my parents, when you needed me more in hospitals, standing along with you, the moments when I desperately wanted to see you, why, I could not ask him ever to be there just with the possibility of denial. I always waited to seek his permission to spend time with you. My sentiments are exactly the same as of yours, just seeking freedom of expression and freedom of choice.

There are countless moments I want to share with you as a husband cooking for me is a good husband but a wife cooking for her husband is well, duty of a wife! A father cleaning up the poop of the child is a good father while a mother doing the same is just a mother!

I too go to office, struggle throughout the day, feel the same stress and fatigue but I am expected to cook while you watch TV.

My personality gets blurred and changes shape according to your family. I merge into personality of yours. The only way to do it is, doing things not because someone agrees with it but someone
supports it.

When this conservative mindset will change, that day I too will celebrate Women Year, not a day. I too want life to be served as a platter. I aspire for the respect for all 365 days. In our society it is still a challenge to change the typical mindset and break the glass ceiling to create a niche of my own.

Stand up together and create a transformation for us, as being a woman is certainly a supreme achievement and not a deep fear.

“As feminism is not about making women strong. Women are already strong. It is just about changing the way the world perceive it “ : G D Anderson

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