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On the day of Word water day i.e., on 22nd March, I wrote my views on saving water. Water is the main constituent of Earth’s hydrosphere. It is very important for living organisms as we cannot survive without it. Water cover 71% of the Earth’s surface, mostly present in the form of seas and oceans. They are also found as groundwater, in the glaciers and in the air in the form of vapors and rain, which plays an important role in the World. 70% of the freshwater goes in agriculture done by humans. Fishing in water bodies is a main source of food for many parts of the World. Water which can be consumed by living organisms is called drinking water. About a billion people drink unhealthy water which is not safe. Government of different countries work hard to provide safe and clean water to everyone. It is estimated that safe and pure water can prevent 1.4 million child deaths from these harmful diseases.
Stop that drip The availability of water is limited which means we should stop wasting it and start preserving it for our future generation. Nowadays, 90% of wastewater from different industries goes untreated in local rivers which cause water pollution. Most important use of water is in agriculture which is the main source of production for people all around the World. World water day is observed on 22 March to highlight the importance of water and to make people aware about the shortage of water in the coming years. Every year United Nations-water selects the theme. This year 2020’s theme is ‘Water and Climate Change’. This year we will explore the connection of both issues. Due to the spread of COVID-19 outbreak, the campaign promoted the need of hand-washing and guidance to stay safe. Keep calm & love water On this day, we celebrate it around the World with many events. It was first celebrated in 1993. Water pollution is major issue in most of the countries. It effects on wildlife and ecosystem. Because of global warming and climate, we already suffer from water shortage. In addition, we are facing rapid increase in World’s population. We can do many small things in our daily life which can bring a great change.

Simple ways that we can do to reduce the water pollution

1. Stop using Plastic

Help the environment, stop the use of plastic. Try your best to limit its usage. Plastics; once produced, it’s difficult to break down. All of such material ends up in the world’s water supply.

Moreover, plastic is not recyclable, so it’s better to reuse those items as many times as possible. This will limit your consumption and that means less of these plastic products will end up in world’s rivers, lakes and oceans. Choose the product that is easily recyclable like glass bottles are much better for the environment than plastic.

2. Do not throw Oils in the sink

Its okay to consume oils in your food, or applying them on your body, but it’s dangerous to dispose-off oils in the sink. It will go in the lakes, rivers, or ocean. It is better to dispose-off oils in the garbage, or pour in one bottle and then throw that away.

3. Disposing household chemicals

Similar to oils, throwing chemicals in the sink are hazardous when they enter the water supply. Do not emptying containers of household cleaning supplies in the sink; instead throw it in the trash can.

4. Disposing Medicines Never ever dispose-off medicines in the water supply either. If you have pills that you do not need or they have exceeded expiry date, do not flush them down the toilet or throw them in your kitchen sink disposal. Throw them separately in dustbin.
5. Disposing Household items

Do not throw household items, such as cloths, wrappers, etc into the toilet instead throw them in dustbin separately. Toilet paper can breaks down easily in water pipes, but these other items pollute the system.

6. Stop wastage of water

Use Water Sparingly; Turn off the tap while you are brushing your teeth. Don’t let water running unnecessarily. Bathing actually uses a lot more water during showering. Instead use bucket while bathing, which actually saves a lot of water. Moreover, do not take more than 10 minutes for bathing. Help the environment by saving every bit of water