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I am working on my laptop and as its bit old, it suddenly freezes in the middle of typing and I keep on banging keys, pressing Esc, Enter and Enter ooops hanged , I switched to mobile to check mail and get a notification on face book and very oblivious, become twitchy to check that too.


Where are we going with this fast pace, any destination? No! I got crazy as I was in middle of completing my project .It is with many we can’t wait serenely. Our desires are entangled with time, if I could finish this, I would have been done other project too and so on.


At a grocery shop standing in a queue peeping out to see counter window restlessly even though we know 5 more people are there in the queue. I remember, I was on a railway station with luggage in one hand and heavy bag pack looming on my shoulder and in the midst of all this I weaved, dodged, walked and ran just to see the direction of the train from the edgy corner of the platform with my heart in my mouth. I certainly knew that I can board the train only when it will reach but wait make us restless.


Is it the result of instant gratification, instant downloads and instant leisure which is hampering our ability to wait?
We all know it is not good for us as losing control further triggers discomfort and anxiety. Waiting annoys us but never forget it teaches us self control and humility too. It is a skill we need to focus on in 2021.

Patience is a virtue.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Waiting is an art that our impatient age has forgotten.