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I am writing this with tears in my eyes, I don’t know Sushant personally, for me he was a great actor, still his death made me cry,  his face keep coming in front of me. May God Rest his soul in Peace. Om Shanti Om .

Well, Sushant Singh Rajput attempt suicide in his home, though not sure yet. This is very sorrowful news for all of us. He was an ideal Bollywood actor. He started a career from the TV show and came into Bollywood. It is very heartbreaking news for his family and Bollywood.

But why did he take this step?

Is professional rivalry caused this?

Is he made believed that he will not be successful by the Industry’s Top Stars?

Does Nepotism swallowed him?

Does his own love betrayed in the lure of money?

Many such questions gone with him. . . !!

He himself finished his game, which we never expected.

Now everywhere on TV, social media, you are watching the news about Sushant Singh Rajput suicide. Some people say he might be depressed about career and fame because an actor suffers continuously for achieving his fame. Whereas some say he had not any symptoms of depression. He was a happy person. So why did he committed suicide.

Many sources are saying that this is not suicide, Its a murder. . !!

Here what latest news I got on Internet-

Calling the loss of a life a “hit-wicket” and circulating images of the dead body: Sushant Singh Rajput’s suicide brought out the worst in Indian media. Less than 48 hours later, a young boy from Bareilly also died by suicide. Excessively sensationalized reports of suicide can influence impressionable minds! We need suicides to be covered with sensitivity, eloquence & respect, not sensationalism, intrusiveness & barbarism.

– Srushti Pinisetti

Circulating images of the dead body.

Addressing loss of life as “hit-wicket” 

Intruding the house of the bereaved & forcing the loved ones to answer questions. 

Speculating, Speculating, & more Speculating. 


These just top the list of how the Indian media stooped to a new low while covering the suicide of prominent actor & television personality, Sushant Singh.

Less than 48 hrs after the news broke, a young boy hailing from Bareilly, chose to tread the same path as his role-model and ended his life.


Could his life have been spared if the news coverage had been less sensationalized?  


With all that’s happening in the world right now, a lot of us find ourselves in a disturbed and easily-triggered state-of-mind.


Watching excessively sensationalized reports of suicide can influence impressionable minds into taking extreme steps themselves. This is especially the case when the suicide reports pertain to a celebrity or role-model.


It’s not just the people who are watching that are affected. The anguish of the loved ones amplifies when the media intrudes and throws biting & insensitive questions at them – sometimes catalyzing suicidal thoughts & tendencies in their own minds.


In an effort to prevent this suicide contagion – numerous countries in the developed world like USA, UK, Canada, Austria and Australia have either adopted WHO’s recommendations or have outlined their own guidelines for media to report suicide responsibly.


The Indian media, unfortunately, remains far far behind. 


There is an urgent need to catch up. There need to be boundaries for coverage of suicide and a clear line must be defined. For this very reason, I appeal to News Broadcasting Standards Authority of India to issue guidelines on ’Sensitized Suicide Reporting’, include them in their code of ethics & address violations with stringency.


We need suicides to be covered with sensitivity, eloquence & respect. Not sensationalism, intrusiveness & barbarism.

– Srushti Pinisetti

Sign her petition

What actually Depression is? & How can we notice if any person is suffering from it?

This word is looking small, yes very small but why does a person become so helpless in their life that they come to this decision, it is also not simple for him. Maybe you think a person takes this step because he had some stress about something and commit suicide because he /she cannot handle more stress. But actually, a victim wants to survive and sort out the difficulty. This is not easy for anyone. No one wants to end their life. Everyone wants a happy and satisfying life. Everybody tries to overcome their problems. 

Depression is a serious medical condition. Depression feels like no motivation, no desire, irritability, exhaustion. Reasons for depression are overthinking, and maybe losing loved ones. Sometimes dreams can not fulfill this also leads to stress. And the feeling of guilt and worthlessness. Or comparing yourself with others.

Many can deal with the problem easily whereas some cannot handle it and then they will go into depression. Before attempting suicide there are many other possibilities to heal the problem. But at that stage, people become very helpless. Even medicines do not work further. People attempt suicide when they become helpless in their life. They do not feel any hope to repel their trouble.

We cannot even think about how much the victim feels unhappy and unsatisfied with their life. It damages more when the victim does not want to share their stress or wants but nobody is willing to give attention and figure out their problem. Internally, a victim goes to mental trauma.

When the soul is completely exhausted no medication works at that stage easily. But it is not impossible to cure. We can help the victim to defeat the mental illness.

But people treat suicidal as a joke. Mental illness is more tough than physical illness. Because physical illness can be distinguished by a doctor and it deals with the base of illness whereas, in mental illness, a psychiatrist cannot cure the illness until the victim does not let him/her know why they feel so stressed.

Pain is Temporary

My humble request through this blog that you can help your friend if they are suffering from depression. If someone tells you that they are suicidal, do not push them away. You can protect them by just listening to the problem of what exactly they suffer and create a judgment-free space.

Spend time with them and be present. Help them to make a positive plan. Then this is really beneficial to the victim. It cures sadness. It works like therapy if you just listen to your friend. So try to help others to resist their depression and anxiety. If they are suffering a lot then they should go to the psychiatrist and try to share their troubles and pain which gives rise to anxiety.

But in the end, I just tell you that real happiness comes from the soul. Not to give up easily. It is ok if the simple things do not feel very simple. Be gentle with yourself. Handle every situation calmly. You want to create more self-love in your life. You should make yourself joyful with your hobby. Yeah, it is a little bit difficult to do your hobby.

Depression reduces interest in hobbies. But you do not quit. Keep trying to be positive and happy yourself. Listen to your favorite playlist. Take a walk. Help others, this also gives you happiness.

Whatever is good for your soul, do that. Difficulties come in everybody’s life, but the difference is how you are dealing with them. So train your mind to calm in every situation.