Social media life and our real-life are two different colors of our lives.
Social media takes over most of our day; from the minute we wake up in the morning to when we go to bed at night. And sometimes we don’t even realize how much we are visiting the applications which provide access to the outside world while forgetting the real world around us.
Significance of social media
Social media is a necessity for everyone’s lives nowadays. The major category that uses social media is the youth, but this belief is fading as the usage of new emerging technology and smartphones/computers is increasing by all age groups.
Without the use of this privileged gift, we would become part of that isolated group that spends their whole lives living in a box, with their preconceived minds without exposure to the outside world.
Even, through the conventional source of media like news channels on television, magazines, or newspaper, we can not attain up-to-date news. Social media is a platform where anyone from anywhere shares their status, opinion on some debate, their beliefs, and many things so that we are provided with both positive sides as well as negative sides of the same topic on social media.
Real-life is leading with stress, anxiety, and depression, so to escape from these hardships we scroll social media for leisure.
But there is a show-off culture here on these platforms; by updating their current status wherein they are living, celebrating, or enjoying. But the lives they are living on social media may not coincide with the lives they are living for real.
What social media consist of?
The first aspect that we mostly see on the internet, like beautiful pictures of an ideal life and flawless beauty, is not positivity. Now you wonder why I said this? because the reality is that not everyone has it all together. No one has all the blessings. When you see someone showing off the materialistic gains of their love life, their happiness, their success by posting about it and captioning something inspiring, you say to yourself,
“I am so behind in my life”,
” My life sucks”.
“They are having such a great moment and I am stabbed here “
“I wish I could have their life”
“They possess so much and I almost have nothing”
What happens when someone shares about their lives is that you start comparing it to your own and start disregarding all the hard work that you did to make a difference in your own life.
You must have heard that do not compare yourself with others, as you might be on your chapter 2 and someone is on chapter 27, so there is a difference between you and others.
Are we truly admitting the fact that our life is not the same as someone’s else? Probably not. We still want to match up to someone else’s artificial luxury.
The second thing is following trends and social norms. You see what most people are doing around you and you start doing it too without giving it thought like, is this even right?
Be real, trying to act cool and to represent yourself as someone who you are not, will only go against you in the long run. You may get more followers initially, but when they realize that in reality, you are not what you show, they will leave you.
I think happiness is made up of little moments but no one is happy 100% of the time. Nowadays we are used to seeing people’s lives on social media and thinking everything is flawless. But what you see on social media is just one percent of what is happening in somebody’s life. Nobody likes to confess to others about their imperfections or failures.
In this process, you face the risk of showing yourself, revealing who you are and what you believe in.
But be assured when you stand up for the right things, the right people will stand beside you.
Instead of comparing, start empowering yourself by getting encouraged and inspired by other’s success. If it still reflects you down, you understand the drill.
Chaotic homes, disappointments, bad phases are all part of everyone’s life, be appreciative and happy in having an imperfectly perfect life.
Do not relate your real life to somebody else’s controlled online content.