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Yesterday, I was fascinated by two different incidents. I went to the fruit seller to buy fruits. I bought some bananas from a fruit vendor. After taking money he instantly rubbed his hands with a sanitizer kept near his cash box. I was amazed to see the awareness and I told him so. 

Then a little far, there is a famous wine shop. It was a crowded place where nobody followed social distancing and their masks dragged down. The bait of alcohol on evenings made them forget the dangers of the virus.

So from these 2 contrasting behaviors give an answer who is aware and literate.

We don’t need lockdowns. We need behavioral changes like a fruit vendor. How long can you lockdown a country? 

There is a need to change the behavior of citizens. Start a life in a new way and adopt some behavioral changes. Give a good response to the stimulus. Then life becomes easier and happier and healthier. Europe changed their lifestyle. They are back on their feet because they willingly go with behavior changes. This is the reason why India, the USA, Brazil left behind in this race and suffers, whereas Europe is growing. 

“Between stimulus and responses, there is a gap. In that gap is our ability to select our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Survival is not mandatory. It is an option. So do not behave like a fool, our economy goes down day by day. Now time to adopt some behavioral changes and behave like an ideal citizen.