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Indoor Air Purification Plants

It is Time for Detoxify your home. Indoor Purification plants are said to remove harmful toxins present in our living spaces. There are harmful germs and toxins present inside our homes. By placing Good Indoor air purification Plants which are best for Indoors, will help you remove toxins and improve air quality. Also these cute and Indoor plants will add a touch of color and clean air to your home.

There are many benefits in keeping Indoor air purification plants. As we all know, Air present outside our homes is polluted. While there is hardly anything we can do but we can purify air, which is present inside our homes. But unfortunately, air present inside our homes is also polluted. You must be wondering that how air present inside our house can be polluted.

However, But Yes, I will give explanation to this, well,  there are many different gases or organic compounds present in many stuff we use. Like furniture, furnishing, building material, plastic products, cosmetics, paints, glues, floor cleaners, LPG gas, and many. Moreover, You can feel that every material emits different smell; these are the different toxins which are present inside our homes.


Indoor Plants, Vastu tips for Indoor plants, Indoor plants tips, purification plants

Top Indoor Air Purification Plants



  1. Money Plant
  2. Peace Lily
  3. Snake Plant
  4. Areca Palm Plant
  5. Rubber Plant
  6. Aloe Vera
  7. Weeping Fig
  8. English Ivy
  9. Chinese Evergreen
  10. Spider Plant

Benefits of Indoor Air Purification Plants

  1. Indoor air purification Plants provide us with excellent health benefits as they eliminate unhealthy invisible toxins present in the air.
  2. Plants are Natural Healers. As you might have heard about Aloe vera plant, which is also known as medicine plant. It cleans air as well as it has many healing benefits.
  3. Plants provide as fresh air, as it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, which in return making atmosphere fresh. Also, there’s a research carried out by NASA about the best Purification plants and they stated that every home must have Indoor purification plants. In their study, The spider Plant tops the chart and declared the best air purifier plant.
  4. Get Fresh air in night also. The snake plant has the unique quality to release oxygen in night also. It makes the snake plant best among all.
  5. Indoor air purification Plants have natural ability to release moisture into the air. 10% of moisture we breathe, is released by plants itself.
  6. Indoor plants have natural scents. Instead of using artificial room fresheners, Place Indoor plants with a wonderful fresh smell. Its a natural way of freshen your home.
  7. Having plants in your living space will increase positive energy, which leads to freshness, and which results in less stress and increased productivity.
Indoor Plants, Indoor Plants tips, Indoor Plants purifier

Top Indoor air purification Plants with their benefits and best place to keep them

Name of Plant Benefits Place to keep
Philodendron Removes Formaldehyde, Natural Air Purifier Living Spaces, especially those spaces which are newly painted, or near to new furniture
Money Plant Natural Air Purifier Considered Lucky Plant, Best place to keep it in North, East, Northeast, Southeast Directions. It is said to enhance monetary growth.
Tulsi Plant Natural Air Purifier, Medicinal Plant Northeast Direction is the most Auspicious
English ivy Natural Air Purifier, Absorb benzene from air Living Spaces of home / offices
Snake plant Naturally Purifies air; Removes formaldehyde and nitrogen oxide present in the air Kitchen/Living spaces
Boston fern Air Humidifier Living Spaces
Peace lily Natural Air Purifier Home / Offices, Bathrooms or place having Damp area
Spider plant Removes Formaldehyde, Natural Air Purifier Living Spaces
Aloe Vera Plant Natural Air Purifier, Medicinal Plant Living Spaces
Indoor Plants, Vastu tips for Indoor plants, Indoor plants tips, purification plants

Ever Wondered?

How do Plants Act as Air Purifier?


Plants are called as nature’s purifier, as they absorb harmful chemicals present in the air. Scientifically, we all know that plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen back into the air.

Plants makes their food by the process known as Photosynthesis. It is the process by which plants use the sunlight to produce glucose with the help of carbon dioxide present in the air and water from the soil. Then Oxygen is formed and released into the atmosphere.

Plants makes atmosphere breathable for Living organisms, as we inhale oxygen from the environment and exhale carbon dioxide back into the environment.

Lesser Plants | Lesser Life

Tips for Indoor Air Purification Plants


Placing Indoor plants inside your home or offices is equally important. Right placement of a plant as per your decor provides a number of benefits, like it will give a warmer and more welcoming look. Going further, I want to add one important consideration, make a list for plants with their benefits and amount of sunlight they need.

Look for best location where you want to place Indoor plants.

To enhance the living space in your bedroom, Lavender and Jasmine are the best choices. These plants are stress reliever, they promotes restful sleep and reduce anxiety.

Kitchen, Bathroom, even living room, are the places where we can experience chemicals exposure. Here the use of Aloe vera and snake plant will be beneficial as they are natural purifier.

Choose a nice container for your plant, depending upon the location and need. there are different types of containers available in the market, in terms of shape, sizes, color, or material.

Living in a small apartment? No need to worry. Go for Vertical Gardening in your home, that will effective and give your room a statement look. Wall mounted and hanging baskets are placed on wall Vertically, making it a cool wall art.

Manage and Arrange wisely according to the room size. Large statement Indoor plants will be suited in Large spaces whereas small little plants/succulents will add a great look.

Last but not the least, Sunlight. Make sure the plants will get proper light which will help plant keep fresh and alive for longer period of time.