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‘I dreamt! But the dream wasn’t pleasant enough.’

Dreams – wild, weird, vivid, sweet, memorable, mesmerizing, we all know that feeling.

Psychologically, our brain and bodies react to our experiences during our awake hours and this gets reflected in our asleep hours. Thus, if you feel stressed about something, it will affect your dreams and sleep. Sometimes decoding the hidden anxiety in your dreams might help you understand what’s going on.


1. Being chased dream!

‘A monster or zombie is following your way you are running fast feeling your every breathes and suddenly you forgot how to run.’ This is a very common type of dream sequel. Usually, it reflects the feeling of insecurity or at a broad level, that challenges in your life feel like they are about to catch you and knock you down.

2. Falling.

You were slowly and steadily walking up the cliff and drifting into a deep sleep that suddenly you find yourself entangled with the staircase. The time you make your next move, you feel down, deeper and deeper, shoot awake and catch your breath all of sudden. What an annoying dream! But it may be because your body is under a hypnic jerk during which your brain loses focus of gravity, hence a sense of falling through space.

3. Teeth falling out

Dreams about bodily issues be it limbs not working or tooth falling out, reflect our worries about our illness and lack of control. The way if we have no teeth, we fail to bite, a powerless experience. It might signal one’s worries of entering into old age and stems from a fear of rejection towards the broken tooth in the old state.

4. Snakes in my dream

Lost in woods, while rustling to search for a way out, you catch sight of large green and a striped poisonous snake! You are scared and screams to escape. Dreaming of a snake represents the sense of repressing emotions within the self. It indicates your worries from your rivals or enemies. When a snake attacks you in a dream, it reflects a threat that you feel is coming towards you.

5. I am late again!

‘Hey, wait for me I will be there in a moment.’ Dreaming about being late for your final exam
or important meeting? Missing out on informal gathering and assignment deadlines? These
being late or feeling of rushing in dreams could signal how hard you are struggling to handle
multiple things at a time in life. Always remember it's ok to have high expectations from
yourself, but don’t stress yourself within them.