Natural Home Remedies
Home Remedy for Common Cold (flu), Coughing, Throat Pain
It’s time for be alert and take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Our Artificial life and modernization has taken away our traditions and natural lifestyle, which is now we are facing adverse effects as far as health is concerned, we need to make our immune system stronger to fight against viruses and bacterial infections.
Here’s I have mentioned about natural home remedies for common cold (flu), cough or throat pain. It will remove all kind of virus/bacteria at the throat level itself. These are my opinions only for mild situations, if one is feeling throat pain, coughing or sneezing, and for severe conditions you need consult doctor.
Remedy 1
Ingredients: Neem Leaves | Fitkari
We are blessed with so many natural plants trees and herbs, which will help us to make our immune system strong and protect from any virus. The most easily and readily available herbs are Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) and Fitkari (alum).

Simply collect the neem leaves (soft) and chew 2or 3 daily (after washing them). Boil Neem leaves in 3 – 4 glasses of water and keep boiling till 2 minutes. Then add few small pieces of fitkari, let it cool. Pour it in a clean bottle. Here’s know about how to use this liquid-
- Boil this liquid and take steam, inhale its vapors. It will help clean throat and chest infection.
- Take 1-2 sips daily, it will help removing infection.
- It’s very safe if we gargle with this water. If anyone is feeling throat pain, then gargle is the best to kill virus present at throat.
- It’s a good disinfectant, can be used for sanitizing the hands.
- It can be used for sanitizing and cleaning floor, doors, clothes and almost everything.

Remedy 2
Ingredients: Fitkari | Mustard Oil
- One more thing to emphasize here is that when any body feels irritation or uneasiness in throat immediately get one very small piece of fitkari and crush it and made it in powder form, put it on your first finger and rub it inside your mouth (end of tongue) thoroughly ,it will be better if you add one drop of mustard oil on your finger.
- On doing this you might vomit. It’s good if you do. The infection will get drained out. You will have bitter taste of your mouth, after vomiting wash and gargle with plain water.
- Every type of infection or virus will be totally wash out of your mouth, throat, food pipe, lungs and stomach. It can be done any time but normally it should be done at empty stomach, but it should be done immediately when any condition is severe.

Remedy 3
- Drink lots of water, if warm then it will be much better.
- Do gargling with salt/vinegar and warm water, it eliminates the virus from the throat.
Go Natural. . . Be Safe. . . !