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It would have been sound strange if we had not faced this pandemic. This time has turned our life upside down. Durga Pooja is going on with triumph of Navratri celebration in North but there is a silence outside. No big pandal of Devi Durga with her splendid huge idols, no swings and food stalls around. However, this year, COVID-19 has played spoilsport compelling everyone to confine to their houses. We feel happy when we spiritually connect on special occasions but this Corona has kept the people in seclusion, taking away all the charm of festive mood, which our diverse and vibrant culture is known for from years and years. We are getting ready, me and my 2 sisters, super energized and excited with the thought of Dussehra Mela. The glitter, excitement and enthusiasm all together and we are in new bright colored frocks which have been tested and tried many a times since morning, holding hands of father, entering to a fete was like a entering to heaven for us. Mesmerized with Ram, Laxman and Sita considering it as real, scared and surprised to see effigy of Ravan, captivated with towering figures of Ravana, Meghnad, and Kumbhakaran burned to the ground . The numerous food stalls and joy rides are something no one can forget Ahhh!!! As usual you will ask me where is it all. These are the memories which never fade away, stay with us as long as we want, golden memories of festivities which this year we are going to miss. It has been taught many a times that Dussehra is a festival that marks the victory of good over evil, but we were not much bothered about what it signifies in front of those scintillating bow and arrow which we used to bring along. This dussehra or festivity is going beyond what we had ever thought. But time never stops, this time it has brought storm along with it and we are hoping to get the dust of corona settle down. We are restricted to our houses feeling a low key festivity. But what does that mean? Will it be constrained to our festivity too? No, take advantage to spend this time with family real or virtually. Make a bubble of friends and family and try to be with them nobody is stopping you, just do it in a proper manner. Meet but with proper distance, eat but home cooked sweets. Buy all from small shops you want, by maintaining proper distance, decorate your house. Gift diyas and decorative items to friends so that millions of others who were not getting even food during pandemic can light a candle of smile at their home too. This is a massive disruption in our lives. Especially in India, where our life is enriched by festivals and cultural events in which we mingle with each other and celebrate together and live the festivity to the fullest. But if we are ready with all the precautions, surely next Holi or Diwali we will be celebrating together. Let the spirit of religious festivity, its inviolability and devoutness be sealed in our hearts and homes this year. And together pray for a world that is healthy for us and for entire humanity. Happy Festivity!