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Does A Face Mask or Sanitizer kill Coronavirus?

by | Mar 15, 2020 | Web Design | 1 comment

Does a Face Mask stop coronavirus?

Masks are certainly not 100% safe. It can get contaminated. We cannot replace it daily. Mask is not an Iron-clad guarantee that you won’t get sick. Virus can transmit through our eye, skin pores, ears, and hands. Virus can penetrate through masks as well.

However, masks are effective at capturing droplets, which is a main transmission route of coronavirus, only if you maintain a distance from the infected person. But if you are in close contact, then there’s higher possibility of getting infection. If you’re having symptoms of coronavirus, or have been diagnosed, then you must wear a mask which can at least protect others. Masks should only be worn by patients and their care workers.

Second hand/used masks being cleaned n repackaged with bare hands. It is more likely to become ticking time bomb for in house biological weapon ready to spread million of other bacteria n viruses if not Corona. Avoid using any mask unless seriously sick n buy them from reliable sources.

Certainly, masks make little or no difference at all, if you are freely roaming in the city, using metro, buses or cabs. There’s no need to buy or apply mask.

The scientist team behind its research suggested that few patients infected with virus that is “aggressive”, either transmitting more easily or replicating faster inside the body. But few don’t have severe symptoms and recovered easily. It depends on the person’s immune system.

Does a Hand Sanitizer stop coronavirus?

No, It’s not 100% proven that using sanitizers kill viruses. Instead washing hands properly with alcohol based rub or soap and warm water kills virus. It’s recommended to wash hands at least twenty times a day. Other than eye, mouth, ears, and skin; hands are also one of the medium that the virus spreads from one person to the next. During a global pandemic, one of the cheapest, easiest, way to prevent the spread of a virus is to wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water.

Here’s know more about how to wash your hands the right way:

  1. Apply soap and scrub all area of hand properly, between your fingers, inside nails, and back of the hand for almost 15-20 seconds.
  2. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and dry with a clean cloth.

If you are working or travelling, then it is advised to avoid touching public places like chairs, table, inside bus, metro etc. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, so you need to take care, do not touch your face, or anywhere else first wash your hands frequently also even before eating. Do not eat in public place.

If a pandemic is declared, what should we do?

Covid19 killed many worldwide. The time to change one’s life style, slow down when required, travel only when needed, stop taking kids out unnecessarily like malls instead spend time with them at home, attend to personal hygiene more vigorously, pray, avoid eating outside and restore health, learn cooking at home, watch TV read books instead of watching movies at cinemas.

Economy may slow down but these type of crisis opens up new opportunities and it is only a matter of time. Have Patience. Stop weekend outings and let the environment restore itself. At times nature puts things in order and we need to obey it.

We should avoid going out unnecessary. Stop going to malls, shops, and movie theatres. Start Work from home, many companies initiated this concept to prevent coronavirus spread. Schools and colleges are closed too. 

It’s a humble request, stay indoors, stay safe. . . .!