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May The Force Be With You – Star Wars Day

May the Force be with you…!! Every year May 4 is celebrated as Star Wars Day. The date was chosen for the witticism on the phrase “May the Force be with you” as “May the Fourth be with you”. Star Wars, an epic space movie series created by George Lucas, gained...

Doodle Art By Yeshika

Doodling Shilpy Saxena Child Educationvastu tips for child education Categories Better Homes Technology Health & Wellness My Travel Stories My Daughter’s Blog Recent Blogs Menstrual Leaves For Working Women August 2020 | Social Media Content Girls bring...

Mandala Art by Yeshika

A mandala is a geometric configuration of symbols drawn exceptionally special. Here we have diagrams, charts, geometric patterns that represent the universe symbolically. It meant to represent organizational structure of life, a cosmic illustration...

Does A Face Mask or Sanitizer kill Coronavirus?

Does A Face Mask or Sanitizer kill Coronavirus? Does a Face Mask stop coronavirus? Masks are certainly not 100% safe. It can get contaminated. We cannot replace it daily. Mask is not an Iron-clad guarantee that you won’t get sick. Virus can transmit through our eye,...

Memes on CoronaVirus

Memes on CoronaVirus Coronavirus memes are going viral than coronavirus itself. we can find humor in almost anything. It’s not the time for going panic, lets enjoy some fun dose of memes here. Shilpy Saxena Child Educationvastu tips for child education...