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Benefits of Bamboo Plant

Benefits of Bamboo Plant

Vastu Shastra Tips for Bamboo Plant Lucky bamboo plant is an easy to care houseplant which has its significance in both Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra. It has many benefits and it is widely used by many people in their homes and offices. Benefits of Bamboo Plant  ...
Vaastu Tips for Indoor Fountain

Vaastu Tips for Indoor Fountain

Vaastu Shastra Tips for Indoor Fountain Fountain denotes the powerful energy of water, a feng shui element of wealth and prosperity. Fountains can be placed inside or outside the home or in an office or another workplace. Place the location of your feng shui fountain...
Vaastu Shastra Tips for Himalayan Salt

Vaastu Shastra Tips for Himalayan Salt

Vaastu Shastra Tips and Benefits of Himalayan Salt   According to Vastu shastra, the ancient philosophy of architecture, Himalayan salt is considered ideal for healthy environment of our home. Salt has the power to absorb the negative energy present in our home,...
Tulsi Plant and its benefits

Tulsi Plant and its benefits

Vaastu Shastra Tips for Tulsi Plant Tulsi plant is our sacred plant and it is considered to be a symbol of health and wealth. As per mythology or astrology, in almost every Hindu home, Tulsi plant is placed, worshiped and properly taken care of. In Hinduism, we people...
Dos and Don’ts of Vaastu Shastra

Dos and Don’ts of Vaastu Shastra

Dos and Dont’s  The Entrance main door should always be in the north, north-east, east, or west, as they are considered favorable. Avoid having the main door in the south, south-west, north-west (north side), or south-east (east side) directions. Space should be...
Vaastu Shastra Tips for Clutter Free Home

Vaastu Shastra Tips for Clutter Free Home

Clutter Free Home Clutter is a physical obstruction. It can root stress in your relationships, generate health problems, and chunk your mind to think and act. Removing clutter in your home and work space builds a peaceful, tidy environment which will enhance progress...