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Indoor Plants and their benefits

Indoor Air Purification Plants It is Time for Detoxify your home. Indoor Purification plants are said to remove harmful toxins present in our living spaces. There are harmful germs and toxins present inside our homes. By placing Good Indoor air purification Plants...
Feng Shui

Feng Shui

About Feng Shui   Feng Shui is an ancient and science that was originated in China. Feng means “wind” and Shui means “water.” In Chinese culture, wind and water ensures good health or good fortune. Feng shui is the art of placement of a...
Increase Your Wealth – Vaastu Shastra Tips

Increase Your Wealth – Vaastu Shastra Tips

Increase Your Wealth By Applying Vaastu Shastra Principles   Get Lord Kubera’s (The God of Wealth) Blessings and Double-up your wealth by applying Vaastu shastra principles in your living spaces. There are certain Decor’ items that can enhance your living...
Vaastu Tips for Main Entrance

Vaastu Tips for Main Entrance

According to the Principles of Vastu Shastra, the main Entrance door of a home is the entry point for positive energy. The main door makes the first impression of the house. It is a place from where happiness, positivity and good luck enters the home. Therefore, the...
Ideal Place for Mirror

Ideal Place for Mirror

Vaastu shastra Tips on Mirrors Mirrors are the most dominant and in the meantime the easiest to utilize vastu instrument. A mirror, in vastu, is considered as a standout amongst other vastu deformity cure instrument. For a good health and peaceful...
Ideal Placement of Family Portrait

Ideal Placement of Family Portrait

Vaastu Shastra Tips for Family Portraits & Photographs   We take photographs to capture our special moments. We keep our memories in the form of photographs. To cherish our precious moments, we should place our photographs on the walls in the house. Vastu lays...