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A silence fell at the mention of food. They all looked at each other cautiously. When the waiter entered carrying a large cheese board, making everyone fall short of breath by this time.

The little girl sneaked through the crowd and ran towards the gamy odor of cheese. She plunged her little fingers from her pocket, dipping it inside the dish. Then she pulled her tiny hand out and inspected the melted cheese-mold on her tiny fingers.

“Heaven!”, she exclaimed. “CHEESIN’!”

The story begins back in the 12th century, in the English village of Cheddar in Somerset, England.
When a milkmaid forgot about her milk canister in one of the caves, where village farmers kept milk cool on hot days. Returning days later she discovered the milk turned into perfect golden goodness.

Soon, English monarchs were able to develop a craving for it, with a record of King Henry II
purchasing more than 4.5 tons of cheese. In the mid-19th century, Joseph Harding applied science for crafting curd scalding method to acquire the looked-for texture for cheddar.

By 1851, New York started with the world’s first cheese factory specializing in the production of cheddar. With time more factories joined the factory game, leading to highly efficient, successful, and profitable large-scale production of cheddar.

Today in the 21st century, this pale yellow hard, sometimes sharp-tasting, natural cheese has made its place in the hearts of every person existing in this world.

So, this 13th February pour through your favorite cheddar recipe books, Hashtag it! Show the world your love for cheddar. Bring up your family and friends and have a great #NationalCheddarDay.