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Health & Fitness

  As we are all aware about this pandemic we are facing this year (2020). It was never been expected neither imagined. So in such case all we need to know is that we have to develop a strong immune system to fight with this COVID-19. We need to have a good health along with precautionary measures taken simultaneously. “Health is Wealth“:- A good health must be the upmost priority for everyone. A good health leads to Happy & Good life. So what else needed other than this?   A person with good health can enjoy each and every moment of their life. We can simply notice the freshness & glow on their face and how actively they perform each task.   Overall a healthy person means it is not just to be physically healthy but also mentally.   During this pandemic people are losing their jobs, some are unable to do their essentials, some are away from their families, some are facing depression, some are facing severe health issues and many such problems. So, mental health here at this stage must be highly taken into consideration. If a person is mentally unstable he won’t be able to take care of himself with facing lack of energy, lack of immunity, lack of attentiveness & lack of interest in doing work. It might also create appetite issues making them weak day by day.   So to avoid this, we need to take care of our Mental health which is as follows:-
Eat well   We must intake a rich and nutritious food full of vitamins and minerals present. To avoid health problems all must follow balanced diet
Get plenty of sleep   Sleep is very essential for our physical as well as mental health. If we do not get enough sleep then we are tend to have lazy & mentally weak lifestyle
Do meditation   Meditation will help you find yourself. It helps you find your purpose. Meditation makes you mentally strong and active. It helps you release stress. Meditation also strengthen our concentration power.
Do something you enjoy   To avoid mental issues the most important thing we need to do is that to do things which giver you inner happiness. Do drawing, sketching, painting, singing, dancing, writing, reading, etc. All these artistic things releases your stress and depression.
Along with our mental health we also need to concentrate on our physical fitness as these both goes hand in hand for our wellbeing.   Nowadays people are getting more conscious about their physical fitness including youngsters, mid-aged and even some of the senior citizens.  

Why Physical fitness is soo important?

  Yes, Physical fitness is the most important aspect of our life. If we are physically abled to do the toughest chores of day today life then we get a sense of happiness, satisfaction & peace which eventually boosts up inner soul and makes us mentally fit too.   Now the question arises that how to maintain Physical Fitness?  

So here are some of the tips to have a good physical fitness:- 

  • Drink plenty of water: Upto 60% of our body is water. So, from this you can understand what value it holds in
our life. Hydrating yourself on regular basis and drinking minimum 8 glass of water per day will give you a good health and will keep you away from digestive issues and many other problems.  
  • Daily exercise is a must: One should practice almost an hour exercise routine each day. Doing exercise daily will not only keep you fit & active but will also keep you away from illness.
  • Eat more veggies: High intake of veggies will keep you energized and will develop a good immune system to fight with health problems.
  • Yoga se hi hoga“: You might have heard this quote plenty of times. Well, there’s no doubt that Yoga help’s in controlling an individual’s mind, body & soul altogether. Yoga bind’s up a person as a source of power & energy.
Yoga helps increasing flexibility, muscle strength & toning our body.