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Guest is a person from family or friends who has come to visit at one’s home, or stay temporarily for a short period of time, for some occasion, dinner or party.

It is recommended to construct the Guest Room at Northwest direction. It’s ideal and suitable place for the guest room. Ideally guest visits and goes back to his destination after some time or few days. The periodic oscillation motions are common at Northwest part. The things kept here or person stayed here will not be permanent, it tends to move in or out for a period of time. So this direction will be the best for Guest room, as guests should not stay for a longer time or permanently, which is not good for residents and as well as guests also.

The guest room should not construct at South-West direction of the house because this direction meant for stability. Guests staying in this direction will apparently stay for longer duration or can be permanent. It leads to interference in family matters. However, it is advisable that this direction used by the owner or head of the family only.

Place bed towards at Northwest direction in this Northwest room. Doing the same makes the guests will not stay for a longer duration. Lesser time stay means health relations. North and East rooms also considered for the guest rooms.