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Let me Shine.

Let me bloom.

Let me sparkle like the beautiful moon.

Hello, Mumma, let me come to this earth and see this beautiful world with you.

Hi, I am a woman and proud to be a woman.

On this special day i.e. 11th October, on International Day for the Girl Child, I want to lend my voice for the girl child, the glory of our society, the grace, the proud of the parent, the girl.

She is a daughter, sister, a wife and a mother, in all forms of love. Her empathy, concern and strength have no limits and there is an immeasurable pool of care that blossoms right when she comes to life, a girl.

Here I am sharing a bit about me. Being an academician and privileged to be born in a cultured and educated family I never faced it. Throughout my life I have found inspiration in my mother and my sisters.

It has been instilled in me that I could do anything I put my mind to. The family where I was born and brought up, I’ve never heard or witnessed anyone differentiating between a boy and a girl child. But society relatives and neighbors made my mother feel many a time that girl child is a burden, it is a responsibility and again expenses in taking care of her and getting her settled in life.

She is unlucky for not having son. But the way we have been treated brought us here and I worked hard and ensured that I treat everyone around me with dignity and respect as been taught. This is the time to focus attention on the need to address and recognize the challenges girls face and raise our hand to spread awareness to promote girls.

Further this is the time to renew your commitment to invest in girl child. Adolescent girls have the right to nurture to get to a safe, educated, and healthy life. Every girl has the potential to transform the world around – both as the empowered girls of today and as tomorrow’s workers, a business woman, mentors, homemaker head, political leaders and mothers. She always was determined and believed that she could, and she did.

Whether during this Pandemic, hopping from online meeting to kitchen, preparing and assisting kids for online classes doing multitasking, keeping kids pre-occupied while working for late business or office hours, This resilience and strength only a woman can show. They know and dealt with hardship of pandemic work, household and parenting altogether.

This day ensure equal opportunity of the girl in every field whether it’s Education, Business, legal rights or health and protection and ensured that every girl child gets due respect and importance in society all over the world.

Let’s celebrate our daughters and take a pledge that they will never have to look down.

So, a big round of applaud for those who are nurturing the next generation of women leaders. Here I would like to say thanks to my daughter in law as per society but for me a beautiful loving daughter who inspires me always. These lines will take everyone back to the memory lane as we all have sang this many a time in our childhood.

So, Shrutika it’s for you.

Twinkle, twinkle, my little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

You are like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, my little star!