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My Memories.

It’s my Father birthday and Teachers’ Day.

And he proved to be a great Teacher for us!

I opened the notepad to write about him and stopped for a few moments. I wanted to give him my tribute for all his love for all, I have today, and for all he bestowed upon me to see me as an academician.

He would have been happy if he had lived longer in this digital age. He was an ardent reader, a scholar, a writer a philanthropist. I still can see him coming from office in the evening surrounded by the students, passionate to teach, make everyone learn and introducing something new every day. The result of board exams of students was achievement for him. Many a time I felt that I am sitting among the heaps of books and newspapers as he often smelled like that.

Smiling always, a person to whom even a petrichor can make elated. He was curious to know about everything in his life. He was tough a black tall handsome phrase has been framed for him only. His hug was like a warm cozy blanket. He was a bundle of joy and used to bring something daily for us daily while coming back just to see our smile. we three sisters were fond of him and were star of his eyes.

Mess in life He was a man full of love, and always loved the delicious food cooked by my Mom. But life comes with twist and turn. A scholar who wanted to learn from every moment, lost his eyesight just because of some negligence of hospital and retina detached. He was totally blind within 2 years. He was shattered the world has one colour only and it was black. A fitness freak, who used to go for a walk, doing yoga suddenly was restricted to a room only trying to identify the world in his way that is, ‘touch ’But he was a warrior. He started learning computer from my daughter.

He started giving tuition, sound strange, but he was so good that the students were reading, and he was solving problems without seeing anything. It was Tagore or Premchand, Nirala, a drama of Shakespear from Yeats or scar Wilde all was in his tips I heard it , When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place and I felt it most often.He desperately wanted to know about treatment for retinal detachment.

He was suffocated many a time, he explained he feels like deep into a well. But alas we were helpless. And it Ends His last few years were more intricate and aching it has been almost 10 years when he saw his wife daughter grand kids, and never got chance to see his great grand kids. With time he faced more issues of short term memory loss it was dementia, he started asking us again and again to take him out from dark well but all in vain. And finally he left for his heavenly abode at the age of 83.

We miss u Papa

I decisively say , be satisfied with whatever you have in your hand. Past has left us and future we don’t know so leave worries, enjoy your present, appreciate the beauty of present.

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